Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)


Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a basic component of all the development projects. In Maldives, any project with the potential to have an impact on the environment is required to undertake an EIA study prior to the approval of the project. This process is regulated and managed by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Ministry of Tourism (MOT) for all tourism related projects. Examples of projects requiring EIA's in Maldives are as follows;

  • Resort development

  • Harbour construction

  • Land reclamation

  • Channel deepening and dredging

  • Construction of over water infrastructures

  • Establishment of process industries like fish processing

  • Establishment of sewerage systems

Our Experience

Water Solutions has extensive experience in environmental impact assessment projects across many fields. EIAs are carried out by a team of full time, multidisciplinary consultants. Water Solutions utilizes the latest technology as well as innovative equipment for data collection in all our project. Water solutions is one of the leading companies equipped with the latest data collection technology.

responsibilities as a client

Although, the EIA report is prepared by us, there are certain responsibilities of the client. These responsibilities include but are not limited to.

  1. Ensuring the project has been approved by the relevant government authorities with documentary evidence

  2. Provide all relevant information regarding the project, including any studies, reports, charts or maps that have been prepared

  3. Provide input to the consultant when required

  4. Thoroughly review the EIA report before it is submitted

  5. Ensure the environmental management section of the report (impacts, mitigation and monitoring sections) are well understood and are aware of the monitoring obligations and costs involved during the project implementation stage

  6. Be aware of the monitoring obligations and costs involved during the project implementation stage.

components OF EIA

  • Undertaking a baseline survey for the project.

  • Collecting relevant long-term data such as wind, tides, waves, temperature etc.

  • Describing the project proponent and the project in detail with all the information identified in the terms of reference (TOR)

  • Conducting a stakeholder consultation to identify stakeholder concerns and views with regard to the project

  • Identify any major potential environmental impacts of the project through methods specified in the TOR

  • Preparing and providing a realistic project schedule

  • Identifying mitigation measures and environmentally sound management practices

  • Reviewing alternatives to what is proposed to evaluate different options

  • Proposing an effective environmental monitoring programme that will be used to monitor the project in to the future.

Huraa Mangrove Nature Reserve

Huraa is famous in Maldivian history as the last royal dynasty to rule over Maldives. Huraa have their roots in the island. The Huraa Mangrove Nature Reserve is located on northern side of the island. The IUCN states that there is ten different varieties of mangroves found in the nature reserve. These include true mangroves and other associate varieties of mangrove plants. This unique environment creates a safe haven for migratory and protected birds.